We are committed to managing our firm in a way that is both socially and environmentally responsible and to making a difference for our planet and in our communities. This commitment extends to the goods and services we purchase and to the choice of suppliers with whom we work.
We hold our suppliers to the same high standards of social responsibility that we hold ourselves. To ensure they recognize and uphold these standards, we have developed a Supplier Code of Conduct. We support this code by conducting supplier assessments.
The code reflects McKinsey’s values and our expectations of our suppliers, including acting ethically and with integrity, maintaining data privacy and security, embracing inclusion and diversity, ensuring fair employment and wages, reducing environmental impact, and providing working conditions that support safety, well-being, and health.
Our sustainable procurement strategy, along with our Sustainable Procurement Policy, supports social responsibility within our firm while driving high standards of environmental and social responsibility among our suppliers and more broadly across business and society. It is one of the many ways we work with people and organizations beyond our firm to practice and promote social responsibility.