Growth remains a top priority for C-level executives, but for many, achieving and sustaining growth remains elusive. In fact, about a quarter of companies don’t grow at all, often because leaders limit their exploration of growth opportunities and neglect to make multiple bets. Knowing where to focus has become especially difficult recently as companies struggle with skyrocketing inflation and heavy competition for talent.
Even under these conditions, however, profitable, sustained growth remains a possibility. The evidence lies in the successes of high-performance companies. In the last decade, one in eight companies in the S&P 500 achieved 10 percent annual growth, and one in ten maintained growth rates above GDP growth for more than 30 years.
Outperforming executives break the powerful force of inertia. They do this by rethinking growth strategy and taking decisive steps to put critical talent and resources behind a well-defined, timeless growth plan while taking into account imperatives for success.
Executives who achieve profitable, sustainable growth are deeply committed to implementation of their growth strategy, from mindset to bold actions. They back up their commitment by investing in well-defined growth bets and ensuring they have invested in a set of critical enablers of that growth, such as an M&A engine and capability building. Above all, these leaders understand that growth is achieved by confidently pursuing the timeless growth imperatives while nimbly cutting through disruptions and steering the business through uncertainty.
This collection of rich insights and articles was assembled to help executives and their companies own the next era of growth. In the following pages, you’ll find ways to set the right growth aspirations and mindset, invest in a comprehensive set of timeless growth initiatives, and execute with excellence.