Number 4, January 2018
McKinsey on Risk, Number 4, January 2018
The journal offering McKinsey’s global perspective and strategic thinking on risk, focusing on the key risk areas that bear upon the performance of the world’s leading companies.
Articles in this issue
Controlling machine-learning algorithms and their biases
Myths aside, artificial intelligence is as prone to bias as the human kind. The good news is that the biases in algorithms can also be diagnosed and treated.
Bringing Basel IV into focus
How banks can mitigate €120 billion in capital requirements and avoid an ROE haircut.
The new frontier in anti–money laundering
New analytical tools and surgical automation can help banks take the fight to fraudsters.
The neglected art of risk detection
At the core of risk management is risk detection, an art that can be skillfully improved if banks and regulators accept new analytical methods.
Tackling GDPR compliance before time runs out
Data protection has always been important. Now it’s becoming urgent. Here’s a primer on how companies can adapt to the new rules.
Hit or myth? Understanding the true costs and impact of cybersecurity programs
Cybersecurity is a critical but often misunderstood aspect of companies’ technology infrastructures. Here’s how business and technology leaders can ensure that important corporate assets remain safe.
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