McKinsey on Finance, Number 85

McKinsey on Finance, Number 85

Articles in this issue

A small boat crafted from graph paper floats gracefully in the ocean, poised for an epic voyage.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

The equity story you need for the long-term investors you want

 Portrait of a smiling Claire Bramley.

Data, analytics, and decisions: An interview with Teradata’s CFO

Conceptual image of colorful geometric blocks arranged as a graph.

How to reignite growth through adjacencies

Emerging from a cluster of digitally textured cubes, a vibrant young tree stands tall, flourishing with health and lush greenery.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly

A different high-growth story: The unique challenges of climate tech

Image of an abacus on light-blue background

What programmatic acquirers do differently

Article - McKinsey Quarterly

Bias Busters: Motivations under the microscope

A colorful sphere made of a pattern reminiscent of longitude and latitude lines set on a dark blue background. The sphere has sections breaking out, disrupting the continuity of the connected lines.

How shockproof is your supply chain, really?


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