This is a profile image of Alexandra



What I value the most is the level of trust and ownership you can gain from the start. Being encouraged to take ownership and drive my workstreams forward has helped me think and work independently and grow professionally.

My path to McKinsey

Consulting has long been my ambition, even during my university studies. My first contact with the firm was through the Solve It competition organized by the London office. When I joined McKinsey Prague for an internship, I worked on a large insurance M&A study, focusing on process and project management of IT separation activities—something I never imagined I would ever do, having studied economics and business. Although challenging at first, working with an extensive client team and familiarizing myself with a complex topic was a wonderful, rewarding learning experience!

After accepting the offer, I joined the Prague office as a senior business analyst.

Developing professionally

What I value the most is the level of trust and ownership you can gain from the start. Being encouraged to take ownership and drive my workstreams forward has helped me think and work independently and grow professionally.

For the past few weeks, I have been working on a high-profile banking M&A study, developing a vision and strategy for the future merged entity. In my first workstream, I drove customer and competitor market analyses to feed into the development of strategic moves. Now, I am working closely with the client teams and global McKinsey experts to dive deeper into products offering, identify opportunities for improvement, and define specific recommendations.

Prague office

From skiing trips with the junior consulting club and cohort dinners to events, the Prague office has a lot to offer, and some of my colleagues quickly became my close friends. Having a great atmosphere in the office and like-minded people to talk to always helps, even when some days are more challenging than others.


University of Glasgow
MA, economics and business management