Tracking the impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccine distribution

COVID-19 vaccine distribution

The well-being of working parents
The well-being of working parents
How does the digital divide impact residents in your state?
How does the digital divide impact residents in your state?
Farmer buying preferences go digital during COVID-19
Farmer buying preferences go digital during COVID-19
American perceptions of economic opportunity
American perceptions of economic opportunity
Educating K–12 students amid COVID-19
Educating K–12 students amid COVID-19: The parental perspective
How employees feel about returning to on-site work
How employees feel about returning to on-site work

The Emotion Archive

Emotion Archive
Postpandemic Consumer interactive
Test your ideas on how postpandemic consumers may behave
Market valuation of industries during the COVID-19 crisis
The global market valuation of sectors
An unequal recovery: Disparities in US unemployment
An unequal recovery: Disparities in US unemployment
Tracking US behavioral health service use during COVID-19
Tracking US behavioral health service use during COVID-19
A shift to digital: How COVID-19 has changed selling models
A shift to digital: How COVID-19 has changed selling models
How Americans report feeling about COVID-19 vaccinations
How Americans report feeling about COVID-19 vaccinations
The global spread of COVID-19

COVID-19 case tracker

The Tapestry of Financial Attitudes Interactive
The Tapestry of Financial Attitudes
Physicians burnout interactive
What’s behind physician burnout?
McK Interactive Tracking US Unemployment
Tracking US unemployment through the COVID-19 crisis
Face-mask use in the United States interactive
Face-mask use in the United States
prevalence reality
The prevalence of COVID-19 across the United States
Community movement during the pandemic
HVAC Interactive
Airflow considerations for businesses during the time of COVID-19
Jobs by demographic group
Vulnerable US jobs by demographic group