Resource revolution
Can innovation help meet ever-growing demand for resources?
Circular Economy
How impact investing can reach the mainstream
Clear measurement standards, high-grade operations, specialized products, and more training for entrepreneurs can make impact...
Developing products for a circular economy
Cross-functional collaboration and customer-focused design thinking can help companies reap more value from the energy and resources...
Why the circular economy is all about retaining value
By reassessing where waste is most prevalent in their value chains, companies can learn to close those loops to get more from...
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Three game changers for energy
New sources, mobility, and industry fragmentation are set to disrupt the system.
The future of second-generation biomass
To make bioconversion commercially competitive, the industry needs swift advances.
Energy 2050: Insights from the ground up
How will the world satisfy its need for energy? McKinsey research offers a perspective.
Food & Water
How big data will revolutionize the global food chain
Advanced analytics opens vast untapped potential for farmers, investors, and emerging economies to reduce the cost of goods sold....
Pursuing the global opportunity in food and agribusiness
Satisfying the world’s food needs opens the door to investment throughout the value chain.
Rethinking the water cycle
How moving to a circular economy can preserve our most vital resource.
An integrated perspective on the future of mobility
A number of social, economic, and technological trends will work together to disrupt mobility, potentially creating three new...
Rolling along: Bicycles, mobility, and the future of cities
In an interview, Jay Walder of Motivate discusses how new services and technology are changing how city residents are getting...
Urban mobility at a tipping point
As more of the world’s cities become congested and polluted, new business models and technologies are emerging to solve...
Rethinking the future of plastics
A new report finds that applying circular-economy principles could dramatically reshape the economics of this workhorse of the...
Managing waste in emerging markets
Growing economic prosperity is rapidly increasing waste volumes in emerging countries. We discuss how governments can react to...
Saving the ocean from plastic waste
Editor’s note: The 2015 Stemming the Tide report you are looking for is no longer available, following the Ocean...
Expert perspectives
Short-termism and the threat from climate change
By not acting now, we’re allowing the future costs of the greenhouse-gas crisis to compound. Eventually, the consequences...
Book Excerpt - McKinsey Quarterly
Perspectives on the long term
What will it take to shift markets and companies away from a short-term way of thinking?
Navigating the circular economy: A conversation with Dame Ellen MacArthur
The yachtswoman and founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation discusses her vision for a global economy in which scarce resources...
From our archives
Mobilizing for a resource revolution
Over the next quarter century, the rise of three billion more middle-class consumers will strain natural resources.
How resource scarcity is driving the third Industrial Revolution
The authors of the new book Resource Revolution argue that high resource prices are spurring innovations powerful enough...
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Are you ready for the resource revolution?
Meeting increasing global demand requires dramatically improving resource productivity. Yet technological advances mean companies...
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Mobilizing for a resource revolution
Over the next quarter century, the rise of three billion more middle-class consumers will strain natural resources.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Voices on the resource revolution
Historian Niall Ferguson, the CEO of a water services company, and Boeing’s lead environmental executive reflect on the resource...
Featured publications
The circular economy: Moving from theory to practice
A special collection of articles about the transition taking place as companies use circular-economy concepts to capture more...
McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity, Number 4
This publication offers some ideas about whether—and how—the global economy can be nudged onto a less resource-intensive...