Understanding the industry is critical for asset management senior executives to operate effectively. For over a decade, Performance Lens has provided industry insights and intelligence grounded in McKinsey’s expertise to help executives make decisions.
Comprehensive market-sizing database of growth opportunities by geography, client segment, and product
Identify true drivers of positive customer experience to deliver long-term impact
Benchmark operational effectiveness against peers and find opportunities to drive growth and improve profitability
Improve strategic-growth and resource-allocation decisions
By the numbers
market sizing data for 40+ countries
growth & profitability benchmarks
typical profitability improvement
Why Performance Lens
Comprehensive data
With 250+ companies benchmarked–comprising 60% of global AUM and granular market sizing for 40+ countries by client segment and asset class– Performance Lens provides the most comprehensive view of the asset management industry for more than 20 years and counting.
Deep expertise
Performance Lens leverages the expertise of a dedicated team of professionals focused exclusively on asset management, McKinsey’s 90+ years of consulting experience, and local market experts in 65+ countries.
Flexible delivery service model
Performance Lens delivers insights through a range of services including subscriptions, workshops, client diagnostics and other custom analysis, and traditional McKinsey engagements.