Our Ecosystem
Society for All
Our collaboration
We collaborated with the Society for All (SOFA) and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) to adapt and deploy the Strong Resilient Youth training program in the Czech Republic. Strong Resilient Youth is a free, web-based, interactive digital curriculum developed with CCHMC to equip educators and supportive adults with the necessary tools to identify and support youth who have been exposed to traumatic stress. MHI also worked with SOFA to develop new training content on addressing trauma in the context of conflict and displacement specifically to support children and families impacted by the war in Ukraine. Funders to SOFA for this project include Česká spořitelna Foundation and the World Health Organization office in the Czech Republic.
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Brain Health
Helping people across the world achieve the best possible brain health by strengthening cognitive function, improving mental health, and effectively preventing and treating mental, neurological, and substance use disorders