This is a profile image of Philipp Haugwitz

Philipp Haugwitz

Leads our work in innovation, digital and analytics, helping organizations in the private and the public sector to transform their core and to leapfrog by building new businesses

Philipp is a partner in McKinsey’s Mexico City office and the leader of McKinsey Digital in Mexico.

Since joining the firm, Philipp has worked with organizations in the private and public sectors in Europe and the Americas, counseling leaders on topics ranging from strategy to hands-on implementation of (digital) solutions and guiding large cross-functional teams.

Philipp is an innovation enthusiast and forms part of various innovation communities in Mexico. He helped build Fuel, a McKinsey company, in the country and works with entrepreneurs in the venture capital space.

A native German, Philipp worked in McKinsey’s Düsseldorf and Berlin offices before moving to Mexico.


Tres tedencias tech serán clave en el impulso de nuevos negocios en América Latina,” WIRED en Español, February 2024

How Mexico can become Latin America’s digital-government powerhouse,” McKinsey & Company, November 2018


London School of Economics

Darmstadt University of Technology