August 2020
Building supply-chain resilience
At a time when cost control is critical, a reimagination of supply chains can deliver the resilience and efficiency business needs for the next normal—if leaders make smart investments to minimize costly disruptions before they occur.
Featured insights
Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains
Companies need an understanding of their exposure, vulnerabilities, and potential losses to inform resilience strategies.
Reimagining industrial supply chains
For organizations that understand the vulnerabilities in industrial supply chains, there is an opportunity to prepare for future...
How retail can adapt supply chains to win in the next normal
Retailers in consumer discretionary categories were already struggling in the US before COVID-19. Better supply-chain management...
Why now is the time to stress-test your industrial supply chain
An effective way to increase supply-chain resilience is to understand the impact a crisis could have, well before it happens.
Heavy industry’s digital transformation: Vision, diagnostic, and roadmap
At the very start of their digital journey, heavy-industry players should determine three things: where they are now, where they...
Resetting supply chains for the next normal
The coronavirus pandemic’s unprecedented tests are inspiring companies to consider bold moves in rebuilding their supply...
Launching the journey to autonomous supply chain planning
For many companies, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided the impetus—and a uniquely apt moment—for transitioning toward...
A resilient return for Asia’s manufacturing and supply chains?
Asia shows an early glimpse of how manufacturing and supply-chain leaders are responding to disruption caused by the pandemic....
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Reimagining industrial operations
Through innovation, advanced analytics, digitization, electrification, and process efficiencies, carbon-intensive operations...
Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient?
Operational risk to supply chains has been growing over the last several years—compounded by the ongoing impact from COVID-19....
Jump-starting resilient and reimagined operations
COVID-19 has created an imperative for companies to reconfigure their operations, and an opportunity to transform them.
Digital collaboration for a connected manufacturing workforce
Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies provide crucial support for factory workers to collaborate effectively—an even...
Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis
Manufacturers can follow three guiding principles to keep their workers safe while preparing for increased uncertainty and long-lasting...
Preparing for the next normal via digital manufacturing’s scaling potential
Achieving digital at scale can give European manufacturing the resilience and flexibility it will need to speed its recovery...
Coronavirus and technology supply chains: How to restart and rebuild
As COVID-19-related restrictions begin to lift in Asia, how can organizations resolve supply-chain issues at pace?
Supply-chain recovery in coronavirus times—plan for now and the future
Actions taken now to mitigate impacts on supply chains from coronavirus can also build resilience against future shocks.
Improving warehouse operations—digitally
A digital twin lets companies design, simulate, and test new warehouse operations and product movements virtually, before starting...
Resilience in transport and logistics
The transportation-and-logistics sector is especially susceptible to economic shocks. Here’s how to prepare your operations...
Supply chain risk management is back
The world is getting riskier—and the most advanced supply-chain leaders are getting smarter about risk. Is your supply...