January 2019
McKinsey on Industrial services: Reimagining how services organizations grow
A set of paradigm shifts is forcing companies to rethink their approach to services businesses, to promote both growth and operational efficiency.
Articles in the issue
Introduction: The services solution for unlocking industry’s next growth opportunity
At high-growth industrial companies, services aren’t just an optional add-on, but an essential revenue driver deserving...
How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services
Technology and advanced analytics are revolutionizing services—and creating new sources of value for industrial companies...
Industrial aftermarket services: Growing the core
OEMs may find untapped goldmines in aftermarket services by strengthening their core business in parts, repair, and maintenance....
Selling in the aftermarket: How to win the sales street fight
Seven unique factors in aftermarket sales lead to a seven-part recipe for a high-performing aftermarket sales force.
Aftermarket Services: The near-term growth opportunity in targeting the right customers
There’s a gold mine in aftermarket services. But companies first need to know where to dig—and how hard.
Creating ‘beyond the product’ partnerships between providers and medtech players
What we heard from US and EU providers and what it means for medtech players.