Debiasing investment and strategy decisions

In this section

Overcoming a bias against risk
Debiasing the corporation: An interview with Nobel laureate Richard Thaler
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Debiasing the corporation: An interview with Nobel laureate Richard Thaler
Taking the outsideview
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Bias Busters: Taking the ‘outside view’
The benefits of thinking like an activist investor
Upfront contingency planning
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Bias Busters: Up-front contingency planning
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Bias Busters: A better way to brainstorm

McKinsey on Finance 20th anniversary

Lessons and challenges


Reflections on 20 years of McKinsey on Finance—and three challenges ahead


Charting growth


Looking back: What does the ‘long term’ really mean?
