Product development, design, and innovation

Featured insights

Futuristic diagnosis and treatment medtech
McKinsey Direct
Accelerating innovation: The potential of digital twins in medtech R&D
Pink ball going around blue paper loop, white surface, blue background - stock photo
It’s coming home: The return of agile hardware product development
Abstract human brain of colorful stripes and lines
Medtech Pulse: Thriving in the next decade
Close up of knotted light trails
Deep learning in product design
Fear factor: Overcoming human barriers to innovation
" "
Digital twins: The art of the possible in product development and beyond
China's digital R&D imperative
China’s digital R&D imperative
A peek into the future of surgery
Blog Post
How a McKinsey co-designed robot is creating a better future for minimally invasive surgery

Featured experts

André Rocha
Serves global companies across a wide range of industries such as medical devices, high tech, advanced electronics, and machinery...

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