Organizational performance is a product of getting important decisions right, mitigating weaknesses, and evolving capability and culture as needed.
As companies across the paper and forest products industries evolve with changes in capacity, demand and regulations around the world, we help them adapt their organization’s structures, capabilities and cultures. We help our clients diagnose their organizational effectiveness, and develop and implement strategies to improve these key levers of performance.
What we do
The organization experts in McKinsey’s Paper, Forest Products & Packaging group bring a wide range of experiences to help companies such as harvesting and mill operators, paper producers, and custom packagers reshape and reskill their organizations. We have supported full-scale organizational transformations, and helped with organizational redesign in the context of post-merger integration and mill conversion efforts.
Examples of our work
Examples of work include helping two large players in graphic papers on their merger efforts, collaborating to design and implement a capability building program at a mill operator to improve efficiency, and advising a family-owned business on evolving its governance model.
Much of our work is related to aligning organization design and capability to support strategic goals. For example, we supported a mill that had grown through acquisition diagnose its organizational performance and health in order to develop a unified culture of accountability and ownership across the organization. The McKinsey team used our proprietary Organizational Health Index and Social Network Analysis to diagnose organizational effectiveness, culture, and relationships. A high level of response to the survey and assessments as well as managers’ engagement in interviews provided insights to redesign decision-making processes and develop individual coaching plans for senior managers to address perceived capability deficits.
Both the Organizational Health Index and the Social Network Analysis help clarify how work actually gets done and the impact of information flows and influence networks throughout an organization. Comprehensive transformations can also include use of Total Operations Performance diagnostics and improvement programs.