This is a profile image of Yoshishige Shiota

Yoshishige Shiota


Helps Japanese industrial companies scale new businesses, drive corporate-wide incubation, build business development and digital capabilities, and penetrate the global market

Yoshi helps Japan’s leading organizations realize their growth aspirations. He is a core leader of Leap by McKinsey, the business-building practice, heading up our work with advanced industries and the energy and materials sectors in Japan. He partners with his clients to build disruptive businesses where their advantages and relevant trends intersect, working to integrate McKinsey’s design, digital, analytics, and business development capabilities. Yoshi also helps companies sustain incubation by institutionalizing a structured stage-gate funding approach, training personnel in business-building capabilities, and hiring digital talent.

Examples of his recent client work include the following:

  • launching and scaling a disruptive real-estate digital business with an energy sector company
  • scaling a series of digital manufacturing businesses with a manufacturing company
  • installing a systematic incubation approach to sustain innovation with a dozen companies in and outside Japan
  • supporting an international acquisition and merger to grow a new business with manufacturing company.


2030 Japan Digital Agenda” McKinsey and the ACCJ, February 2021

Rebooting Japan’s mobility market,” McKinsey & Company, November 2018


The University of Tokyo
BA, business administration