Our Societal Impact

Accelerating sustainable and inclusive growth

Educating & Upskilling The Workforce

We are helping to expand economic mobility for workers and lighting a path toward more resilient, higher-wage jobs that will drive post-pandemic recovery. We are proud to partner with leading organizations in this work, including:
Rework America Alliance
Career Exchange
Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity
American perceptions of economic opportunity

American perceptions of economic opportunity

Educating K–12 students amid COVID-19
Educating K–12 students amid COVID-19: The parental perspective
Unequal America: Ten insights on the state of economic opportunity
Unequal America: Ten insights on the state of economic opportunity
Unlocking experience-based job progressions for millions of workers
Unlocking experience-based job progressions for millions of workers
Achieving an inclusive US economic recovery
Achieving an inclusive US economic recovery

Bridging the gender, diversity, and inclusion gap

We aspire to build supportive ecosystems to advance equity for underrepresented groups. Our strategy is built on more than a decade of work demonstrating the business case for inclusion and diversity.
Our 10 actions toward racial equity
McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
Connected Leaders Academy
McKinsey Inclusive Business Accelerator
Black Leadership Academy: A catalyst for growth
Portrait of a mature businesswoman having a meeting with her team in a modern office
Women in the Workplace 2022
The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be
Report - MGI Research
The economic state of Black America: What is and what could be
Diversity in fashion: Voices from the industry
Diversity in fashion: Voices from the industry
What we lose when we lose women in the workforce
What we lose when we lose women in the workforce
COVID-19 and advancing Asian American recovery
COVID-19 and advancing Asian American recovery
LGBTQ+ voices: Learning from lived experiences
LGBTQ+ voices: Learning from lived experiences

Promoting mental wellness

An inclusive economy depends on the fulfillment, resilience, and mental wellness of its workforce. To this end, we are taking steps to address issues both among our own colleagues and in society at large that include:
McKinsey Health Institute
Shatterproof Initiative
Well-being Insights Collection

Well-being in the Workplace

COVID-19 and education: The pandemic school year has ended, but the effects of unfinished learning linger
COVID-19 and education: The lingering effects of unfinished learning
Overcoming stigma: Three strategies toward better mental health in the workplace
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Overcoming stigma: Three strategies toward better mental health in the workplace
Promoting mental wellness in the workplace
Promoting mental wellness in the workplace
Unlocking whole person care through behavioral health
Unlocking whole person care through behavioral health

Supporting universal food and nutrition security

We aspire to support universal food and nutrition security in the United States by working with partners to respond to current food crises and reimagine the charitable food system. Stories of our impact with external organizations include:
Feeding America
Greater Chicago Food Depository

Fighting community hunger in Chicago

Food banks apply 2020 lessons to plan for their future
Food banks apply 2020 lessons to plan for their future
McKinsey for Kids: (Food) waste not, want not
McKinsey for Kids: (Food) waste not, want not
Turning over a new leaf: Using crisis to build back stronger
Turning over a new leaf: Using crisis to build back stronger

More About Us

McKinsey Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
Delivering through diversity
McKinsey on Veterans

New at McKinsey blog

A first step to racial equality? “Fundamentally improve job quality.”
A first step to racial equality? “Fundamentally improve job quality.”
Partnering with Rethink Food to create a more equitable U.S. food system
Partnering with Rethink Food to create a more equitable U.S. food system
Liz Hilton Segel: What it will take to create a more inclusive economy
Liz Hilton Segel: What it will take to create a more inclusive economy
A new reskilling initiative to help America’s most vulnerable workers
Through a new alliance, helping millions of Americans access quality jobs

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