“I usually have two or three books on my night table, and go from English to Spanish (and vice versa) in a single night.”
Intimations, Zadie Smith
“I’m reading Intimations by Zadie Smith, who has a fantastic insight into the current pandemic. Hard to find this clarity in the middle of the worst news of our lifetime.”
My Time To Speak: Reclaiming Ancestry and Confronting Race, Ilia Calderón
“Also, I’m reading Ilia Calderón’s memoir My Time To Speak: Reclaiming Ancestry and Confronting Race in Spanish. It is timely, brave, direct, and gets me to know much better the wonderful journalist and TV anchor I work with every night. If you can, read it in Spanish. Her voice is unique. Her thoughts about racism within the Latino community must be read in every school in the country.”
La Corresponsal, Cristina De Stefano
“I recently found La Corresponsal by Cristina De Stefano, about legendary Italian correspondent Oriana Fallaci. I’ve read every single book about “La Fallaci,” and I’m really looking forward to new details about her extraordinary life. Before every important interview, I always think: What would she have asked?”